Saturday, August 6, 2011

This place...

This place that I'm sitting in right now, holds so many memories for me.
Ones that are irreplaceable.
Ones that I will never get back and will never come again.
Hours spent studying, sharing secrets, heart racing, mind flooding with thoughts.
I walk around this place and am reminded of moments every where I go.
The time I panicked because a friend told me he liked me...
The coffee runs to the coffee shop to get my caffeine fix for the day...
Catching up my friend with everything she'd missed out on because she was so busy...
Waiting online to order tickets for our last senior event...
Working the desk and making friends along the way...
Arguing with a friend while making life changing decisions...
Listening to a friend because he was stressed...
Looking at how surreal the cap & gowns that were sitting in front of us were...
Making small talk with a crush and telling my girlfriends about it after...
Tripping up the stairs with Chipotle in one hand and coffee in the other...
Laughing with friends over the dumbest things...
Seeing the fish/elephant man and his fortune telling fish...
Discovering who my real friends are...
Lending an ear while my friend discusses issues that she's having with her fiance...
The night I stayed until this place's 2AM close so I could finish my final term paper...
Finding out about myself.
Building me.
Now leaving will be the hardest part.
But I know every time I come back, I'll smile when I am reminded of the great times that I never knew this place could, did.

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