Sunday, April 8, 2012

All in the family? James Franco and kin

Believe it or not, the last few hours of this Easter Sunday, I have been watching Youtube clips of James Franco. It's ridiculous what linking from one Youtube video to the next can do. But I've come to admire James Franco so much more because of it. He is really an inspiration because he is truly a motivated person who seeks and strives to achieve as much as his body will physically allow him to be.

I appreciate his honesty and bluntness about all aspects of celebrity and his personal life. He has done such an eclectic variety of things ranging from art to writing to studying to acting to anything basically. He impersonates people, shows up for cameos that he may not even be credited for even after reaching stardom (Nights in Rodanthe, Knocked Up, etc.), has published a book of short stories (Palo Alto), opened a gallery, and has done an extremely broad range of works as an actor. I was shocked to hear that he'd be hitting the silver screen with a stint on the soap opera General Hospital, which is almost unheard of at his level of success.

James Franco has not limited himself to a certain style or personality of character, which is absolutely amazing. His ability to take on a character head on and his commitment to interpret his character's roles properly is shocking. I for one am waiting for another lead role in a romance-drama, but I don't see it happening considering he has taken a liking to directing and writing, hence his interest in going to Ivy League grad schools to learn as much as he possibly can. It seems like he's "taking the next step" and not going back to where he came from.

I have yet to see any other actor in present-day Hollywood take on roles like he did in Your Highness and Pineapple Express. Either, he has an extremely deep bond with his former production staff and castmates from Freaks & Geeks (which I ADORED, thanks to my psychology teacher in high school who would allow us to watch episodes every Friday if we behaved and relate concepts to it, on occasion) or he just wanted to flat out do the unexpected.

On a side, my brother and I went to a screening of 21 Jump Street a few weeks ago and the credits rolled and it said 'Dave Franco' for the high school drug dealer. My brother was like, "Do you think that's James Franco's brother? I thought it kind of looked like him." I thought it'd be impossible for him to have a brother that young and in addition be playing such roles as the younger brother of the distinguished James Franco. I found that I was wrong and only saw the similarities after learning that they were related by blood. But, I have learned now that they are entirely different people taking entirely different journeys acting. They have selected paths that are fitting for both.

Dave Franco, interviewing James Franco during a photoshoot. This was one of the better interviews where I felt as though he was being his true self, playing around with his brother and looked at ease.

James Franco and his mother, Betsy Franco. I didn't know that his parents were both Ivy League-educated. Stanford University alumni.

And just for kicks, James Franco and his grandma. Totally adorable!

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