Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I almost forgot.

I almost forgot this blog existed!
I think I've returned changed since my last post.
I think I'm over what I had toyed with my mind for a long time.
I have reached a turning point, faced new truths, learned some lessons.
But I feel good about it.
It'll remain a good thing in my heart, always.
But as long as it's stationed where it is, I will leave it there.
Funny things come and go in life, so I'll just wait for it to happen.

Before I occupy my mind with more funny things.
I want to piece my life together first.
Tie some knots to secure my future, then worry about things I want.
This time off has given me a lot of time to think...and think some more....and realize
what I really want in life and what I need to get there.

So here it goes...I wonder where this whirlwind will wind me up at.
Hopefully good things are to come and what has passed was the peak of my life.

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