Monday, October 17, 2011

Harry Shum Jr. & Gene Kelly

The last week has made me fall head over heels over these two men.
They are men of two entirely different generations, yet alike in so many ways.

So, I started watching AFI's 100 Movies...100 Passions list and fell in love with Gene Kelly while watching An American In Paris.
More than just a charming smile, Gene Kelly can dance, sing, play piano, and has a beautifully built body to top it all off.
He melted me to butter with his soft face and killer smile.

Harry Shum Jr. I had always had a thing for since he was on Glee, but his part has developed more --  this is what I have observed as I marathon through Season 2.
He is another charismatic charmer with awesome abs, slick dance moves, and a tall body frame -- something rare in Asians, if I may say so.
And his name is Harry! If only my name was Sally...

I guess you could say if Gene Kelly was the man of the 50's and 60's that Harry Shum Jr. is the man of, well, now.
It doesn't take a lot to charm me, and these men have done more than just charmed me.
They've swept me off my feet because they have music, dance, and charm.
It's funny how you can have your heart stolen by someone you've never met, someone you've only been drawn to solely by their talents.

I guess that is why they tell you to invest your all in your work and do your best.
Admiration follows when someone senses the commitment someone has made to themselves or something.
It displays the potential for translation of that passion into something more...into love for a person, possibly.
Clearly, Kelly and Shum are masters at what they did/do.
Thus, followers are inevitable.

Of course, all of my post have to turn into something about love.
I guess I'm just a lovesick dog.
I've never felt love, I don't know what it's like to be loved by someone other than my family.
But I'm dying to know.
To feel love, to see love, to taste it.

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