Monday, January 30, 2012

Palo Alto Stories...By James Franco

This guy, James Franco, simply amazes me. I don't know how he does it all. His ambition is absolutely unparalleled in his field. I suppose he was just born with a creative and ambitious mind, which explains why he is one of the very few actors, if not only, in Hollywood that has two MFAs and is working towards a Ph.D. Not to mention, he is a talented actor who is unbelievably handsome.

If I saw Freaks & Geeks when it actually aired and not in my high school psychology class, where my teacher showed episodes to us on special occasion because it reminded him of when he was in high school in the eighties, I would've never thought that James Franco would achieve as much as he had in thus far in his career. He's done almost every kind of film: biography, love-drama, crude humor, action, you name it. 

Now for his book, let me start off by saying it is not what I had expected. But it's not to say that I really had any expectations. I was more so impressed that he had published a book and was interested in this new side of James Franco that I had never encountered. It has been a while since I've read a book in such a short amount of time, so I can't say that I wasn't engaged by the book. I really don't know how to describe what I felt when I read the book. What I know for a fact is that it was the first of its kind that I've read. And not exactly what I would envision James Franco to be writing about. But that is where the creative mind must've come in...

If you're a James Franco fan, give this book a shot. Give it a shot if you're ready for something different and slightly dark. You won't find any rainbows and butterflies in this book.

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