Thursday, April 19, 2012

Deciding what to go see this weekend? The Lucky One!

I was fortunate enough to watch TWO of the movies that will be released this Friday over the last two weeks. I definitely have a recommendation for which to see.

I saw Think Like A Man last week with a friend. While I believe that the idea for Steve Harvey's book was extremely clever and witty, this movie was more of another promotional outlet to sell a few more copies of his book. Don't get me wrong, it's not a horrible movie, it just relies on the book a lot to carry the movie because all the relationships develop as a result of this book. But ladies, there is some SERIOUS EYE CANDY with Michael Ealy. WOW. Where has he been hiding all this time?

Yesterday night, I saw The Lucky One with my dad. Beginning with the wait line for this pre-screening, I kind of knew that the expectations were high because we have yet another Nicholas Sparks' book-turned-movie. I am one of those guilty of this disease, however, I had not read the book. When I saw the summary, I thought it would be a pretty predictable plot and had assumed much of how the storyline would go before even arriving at the theater. But boy, I was wrong and the movie exceeded my expectations. I think this is one of the best Sparks' book-turned-movie since The Notebook. I hadn't been really impressed with The Last Song, Nights In Rodanthe, or Dear John, so I wasn't expecting a lot with The Lucky One. 

Not only had the movie's storyline kept me engaged for the whole two hours. But my dad came out and told me that the movie had left a good impression on him as well and he had enjoyed it. Zac Efron did a great job performing his part, I think this will definitely be a highlight movie to mark his transition away from high school roles into more mature ones. He is absolutely gorgeous and completely drool-worthy. The supporting cast also does an amazing job, especially Blythe Danner and Riley Stewart. I am totally in love with the movie, definitely one of the best I've seen this year (my other recommendation would be 21 Jump Street).

So my conclusion? What to go watch this week? Definitely The Lucky One. It left a greater lasting impression in my mind. I left the theater completely satisfied and with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

With that, I'll leave you with the trailer for The Lucky One:

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