Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strange dreams

It's the strangest things. I usually don't have dreams, rather, I don't remember them. But over the last week, I've had the most vivid and unusual dreams. There's definitely one conclusion I can make about these dreams: I am one hopelessly-romantic lonely girl.

Dream 1: 
I have this dream where I am at a pre-screening of some new movie, although, I have come to the mall for a family badminton tournament (it's a dream, weird things happen!). Anyways, the movie finishes and the lights turn on and I find that I am Jason Segel is on my right and kiddie corner one row back is my most recent obsession, James Franco. He gives me eye contact, but I am in utter shock that he was sitting that close to me and can't do anything but stare. I mentally think that I must post this on Facebook, but am too dumb to ask for a picture before he leaves the theater like everyone else. The dream results in me running around the theater never finding him...


Dream 2: 
I am at a theme park with a pretty random one, the recently booted from American Idol, Heejun Han. I think his sweetness and quirkiness got to me. Oh, of course his voice as well. We are disgustingly happy-go-lucky holding hands and wandering in the park. He is wearing his beanie and glasses and I am just happy to have someone who I can call my boyfriend and belonging to someone.


Dream 3:
My high school friend, BJ, takes me to some kind of social dance hall (which could make sense since I've always wanted to learn how to dance, some kind of technique-y dance). She partners me up with, who else but the classmate from high school that I took coronation photos with, TW? Not to mention, I hear that he is, in real life, married to one of my girls' tennis teammates. I revisit taking coronation picture time and feel butterflies like I did then partner-dancing some dance that I don't even know how to do.

No pictures of TW, I'd like to keep this one anonymous. 

Talk about crazy, crazy and lonely. 

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