Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dark Shadows. JOHNNY DEPP.

Maybe it was watching Johnny Depp in a larger-than-life 30 foot screen that made his charisma apparent  to me, but I was totally drawn to his charm, excellent acting, and his ability to make his character believable. I am beginning to understand the power of Johnny Depp, not after Pirates, Edwards Scissorhands, Chocolat, but after Dark Shadows. I had always been indifferent to Johnny Depp, he was just an actor that sometimes happened to be in movies that I was watching. But I think I'm am going to go see what I can find of his that I have not yet discovered. Hopefully, I'll find a couple new treasures in the mix.

I debated on whether or not to go to see the film, but am glad I went after seeing it. Not a huge fan of the dark-ish films, but I enjoyed actually ended up enjoying it. It had a great underlying moral, if you will, about family in addition to a few interesting twists. It also included some great humor and references that were pretty hilarious and had the whole theater laughing.

Now, I haven't seen the now-historical Avengers so I can't say that Dark Shadows is the preferred film, but if you're not one to jump on the bandwagon of popular films, I highly recommend Dark Shadows when it opens in theaters this Friday

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