Saturday, June 9, 2012

A well-mannered, charming gym boy.

So, every Saturday after I work, I hit up the gym literally across the street from the building where I work. And lately, I look forward to going, just to this location....Because of the boy at the front desk.

Call my crazy, because I might be, but I swear there's something different in the way he greets me. Granted, I usually have make-up on and am dressed up...And granted he is the only male front desk person I have seen at three locations after almost a year, which doesn't give me a lot of room for comparison.

Before he started working there and often at other locations, they usually just leave the scanner for you to log yourself in, especially at this location. Well, after he started working there, he takes the barcode keychain and scans it himself. In the process, he usually says a little something extra. And maybe if I knew if he did that to everybody or just me, I would react differently.

Like today, when he took my keys, he said genuinely, "Hi, how are you?" I answered with a smile, "Good". As he handed back my keys he said, "Have a good workout." I replied, "Thanks," with a smile. And it just left me with a good feeling (especially one that made me think I better make this work-out worth it). Was he trying to start a conversation? I don't know. It seemed like it, but I have no radar for these things.

I cannot tell the difference, to this day and at an age when I should be able to decipher the difference between plain niceness and flirting, to his gestures, I observed him a few times on my way out the door, with girls and guys. He usually doesn't say anything to them. But he usually catches me out the door and says, "Have a nice day" or something nice. So maybe I missed an open door opportunity, like five times...But I need to be knocked upside the head or bluntly be told to get a hint like that. Unfortunately.

Too bad I won't ever know.
Because it'd be nice to know that people don't just like me after knowing me for ages after I've placed them in a "friend zone". 

As I conclude this entry, I am thinking how much of an idiot I am for not even considering that this well-mannered, charming boy probably HAS a girlfriend!

Well, I guess that solves everything. Still, as I wrap this up, thinking about him makes me smile.

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