Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mega-Movie Week: Magic Mike & The Amazing Spider-Man

I'll start off by stating that neither of these movies was necessarily bad or a waste of money. What I will say is that they are for two entirely different audiences and that they both have their pros and cons. But since I watched Magic Mike first, I'll start off by reviewing that movie.

So a friend and I were catching up and planned to watch Magic Mike this week because she had asked me to let me know if I ever got a hold of screening passes before the official release. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to get tickets, so suggested that we go together just for the heck of it. While I thought I was going for Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey, I left the theater totally drawn to Alex Pettyfer. Surprise, surprise.

The movie definitely accomplished it's most well-known promotional factor, a movie about male strippers, but boy, I did not expect Hollywood to go as far as they did. Pushing limits is what Tatum and his team did. On the other hand, the movie plot was extremely poor and had no concrete storyline to make the movie goer feel content after walking out of the theater. I think the plot messed around with too many climaxes and began to develop things without ever really completing them, which kind of disappointed me in the end. However, the choreography was pretty swell and the actors in the movie were stripper-believable, Alex Pettyfer seriously blew me away. I can't believe I had not seen any of his movies until Monday.


Spider-Man was a completely different story. Let me start off by mentioning that I was a HUGE FAN of the Spider-Man trilogy that started in 2002, you could say obsessed. Due to my loyalty of the original series and the cast which consisted of Tobey Maguire, James Franco, and Kirsten Dunst, I refrained from trying to watch the movie. In addition, I wasn't a huge fan of Emma Stone or Andrew Garfield. But yesterday night, one of the visiting teachers with a program I am working with invited me to go with her to see The Amazing Spider-Man. 

I went in expecting very little and honestly, expecting not to be impressed or have the movie live up to the original series. I am both happy and sad to say that it was excellent, almost better than the original series that finished less than five years ago. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time and was action-packed! 

I will recommend, for this movie in particular, that you spend the extra five bucks and go see it in 3D if possible. Long story short, through the mistake of some of the staff at the movie theater we went to, we went       to the theater next to the one we were supposed to go into because the employee I asked if the theater was ready said that the movie had already started. We went in during the middle of the previews and once it came around time for the movie to start, no one but us had 3D glasses. Confused, I asked the girl next to us if this was the 3D version and she said this was 2D. With almost an hour to spare, the visiting teacher suggested just sitting in that theater for the time remaining before our 3D movie showtime. It was only then that I noticed the difference, not only in quality of the picture but also the sound quality. So go see it in 3D if you can!

The plot was great and the storyline was fresh, but it definitely kept some of the elements of Spider-Man that we love and adore. Be prepared to be simply amazed by The Amazing Spider-Man!


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