Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The newest generation of females to hit the tube...

The real world threw itself at me almost four years ago. Reality hit and it hit me hard, brutally with an unexpected swing. I never imagined that life after college would be so difficult. I thought the work force would love fresh, young minds like mine and that life would just happen as I let it. But it didn't and I thought I stood alone.

However, I'm coming to see that I didn't stand alone in this process. Not only are a majority of friends trying to figure out love and life in our twenties, so are many of the female leads we see in our favorite television shows. Maybe it is just the trends of time to have to actually work for what we want and the opportunities that we have to work for. Come to think of it, we should be grateful for this struggle, especially as females. The fight for equality has been around for decades, maybe even centuries.

My point is, I've recently come to realize that whether Mindy Lahiri is looking for love in all the wrong places on The Mindy Project, Jessica Day is having another misadventure as a teacher in New Girl, or Hannah Horvath is stumbling through life trying not to abandon her dream of becoming a writer on Girls, we all get a little lost in this time called our twenties. Life leads us down unexpected twists and turns before we find ourselves in a zone where we can rest our heads on our significant others shoulder and enjoy our glass of wine.

What do I love about The Mindy Project, Girls, and New Girl?

credits: http://tvpromos.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/new-girl-season-4-promotional-poster.jpg

The New Girl
Without Zooey Deschanel, there would be no New Girl. That is the reason why I started this show. Jessica day is quirky yet compassionate. She loves her job as a teacher, wants to fit in with the boys, and doesn't really know what she's doing half the time. She has a gorgeous model best friend and lives in LA. She's somehow managing to lead an amazing life on a teacher's salary in LA. But it's her small misfortunes, strange roommates, and misdirected boyfriend that add a little color to her life. I love the odd, dry humor of New Girl and how boldly unique each of Jessica Day's roommates are.

Zooey Deschanel's character makes me feel a little less alone in the world. Like finding our purpose in life is worth that struggle, whatever awkward position that may put us in. Jess Day helps us see that we can find our way out.

credits: https://anupturnedsoul.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/girls-s1-poster-1.jpg

This is a show I thought I would never relate too and started it because I was bored. But I got hooked pretty quickly. I was drawn to how lost Hannah and Marnie were after college, which was supposed to lead them into a life of luxury. They were in the city where dreams are made and flourish, but were hanging on by thin threads to make ends meet. Girls was real, a little too real. So real that it bit.

Lena Dunham was gracefully able to draw out the struggles of experiencing life in our twenties in this age, trying to "make it". Our young, ambitious minds want to leave our mark on the world that will last through generations of the more of us. But some brick wall always manages to block our way in this maze we call life. However, our stubborn and fearless souls break through and fuel our drive to get up and go at it again.

credits: http://www.spoilersguide.com/media/images/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/newgirlmindy-mindy.jpg

The Mindy ProjectMindy Lahiri lives THE LIFE. She's a doctor, co-owner of a small business, living in New York City, and has a great apartment to top it off! This, too, was a stumble-upon show that I have come to love. I binge-watched Season 1 in about two days in anticipation of my visit to New York City. I had no idea what the storyline was or was much of a Mindy Kaling fan -- I actually found her to be kind of obnoxious on The Office.

But I was so drawn to the fact that an Asian female was comically leading a network television sitcom and doing it so successfully. The Mindy Project has just the right touch of reality, comedy, and taste in great men. I mean if I had to pull a show off of Fox and it was New Girl or The Mindy Project, solely because of the supporting male characters. It shows a underrepresented minority, an Asian female, who is the sole female practitioner in an office of males and breaks the stereotype of a traditionally obedient and generally nerdy Asian. Thank you, Fox.

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