Saturday, October 22, 2011

Job, School, Boy.

Did I ask for too much? I feel like I'm not asking for lot in a sense. These things are not free, they come with hard work and dedication. I'm willing to make the commitment, yet none of these things are even close to happening for me. Not even close.

I have never felt like such sh-t in my life. I don't even want to ever re-live a moment like that, ever again. It's more than mortification, more like humiliation. It doesn't even sound like such a big deal. But what I felt was unexplainable. Something no one would understand unless they went through it themselves. Unfortunately, my grandparents went through this. They told me today after they'd heard what happened. They knew what it was like and tried to console me because I was facing a truth of the real world.

The real world is hardcore. At times just like the movies, but never a fairytale. Bittersweet.

One out of the three. One of two I'd rather have more than the third. Maybe it's all too much to ask for.

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