Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One, two, three. Knockout.

Knockout because the song has been stuck in my head all day after listening to it once....One, two, three, because Nicki Minaj goes, "Baby one, two, three...When the telephone rings....". And simply because I wanted to discuss three things.

Why does it seem like, as time passes, that my premonition was right? In a sense, I'm glad, but in another, it's like why always her? Why never me? It has been far past the time where I've needed to move on, but I can't. There's nothing that has appeared to distract me. No job. No school. And definitely no boy...But seeing as the first two aren't happening, how can the last?

Back-stabbing, two-faced, selfish, lonely girl. Second chances aren't meant for people like her, so why was I dumb enough to give her one? It's clear as a crystal how much you swing back and forth with your passive aggressiveness. I don't understand what spurs it either. I'm not trying to steal anything from you, if that's what you're so afraid of. Like I've always said, I'm an all-or-nothing kind of girl. I gave you a chance, but kept my distance, now I'm just taking another step back.

 If I have no reason to stay, then I might just leave. This kind of opportunity may never come again. Korea. You may be my one-and-only calling.

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