Thursday, November 10, 2011

Immortals 11.11.11

Okay. I'm going to start off by saying that I don't like action, thriller, or mythical genre movies.
But I got free screening passes to go see Immortals before it comes out tomorrow, so I figured, why not?
Well, I wait in line for an hour and what do I find? It's being shown in 3D. SCORE!
When the movie starts, I think, "Great. Can't wait for me to see the Titans in my nightmares. Two hours of creepy gore."
Yeah, there was a lot of gore, but that's totally beside the point.
I have no background whatsoever on Greek mythology, but that didn't matter.
This movie kept me on the edge of my seat for the entire 110 minutes.
I was rooting for Theseus and the mighty gods from Mount Olympus.
If not for the amazing movie, then you must go to see Theseus.
That's all I'm gonna say.

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