Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Open to interpretation utimately kills....

Misinterpretation and lack of communication has tortured my friendship with a few individuals. And ignoring it and hoping it will go away has worsened things, that part right there has me to blame, I'm not gonna lie. However, this has gotten way out of line. So far out that I'm too exhausted and distracted to try to fix it. I have better things to worry about.

If they really cared, they'd understand when I told them the truth. Yet, they only hear what they want to hear and weed out everything and pick out the very worst thing to fire back at me. I knew they would, but a part of me was hoping that they would actually consider my position and not be so self-centered. Right now, I can't think of how foolish I was to think so. An army of one cannot fight back an army who will not listen.

Oh well.

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