Friday, July 27, 2012

The Watch vs. Step Up Revolution

I was extremely fortunate to be able to see both The Watch and Step Up Revolution 3D this week from pre-screenings in my state. I had wanted to see both and honestly can't say which I'd recommend because they are two entirely different movies feeding the appetites of two unrelated audiences. So I'll give you some pros and cons of each movie...

Step Up Revolution is up first, just because I saw it first. It was the longest line I've ever seen for a pre-screening in my life and I almost didn't get in even though I got there more than an hour early. I would say that the Step Up series really did "step it up" in their "revolution" because the choreography is just out of this world! The movie synopsis is based on flash mobs and that right there gives you an idea of what to expect. It is by far the most epic Step Up follow-up movie to date since the original. Unfortunately, the movie fails in the plot originality department and additionally fails again in selecting a girl who can act. The guy, not too shabby -- one heck of a dancer though.

The Watch, man was it hilarious. It was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. I would say it doesn't beat 21 Jumpstreet but I would say it surpasses the comedy of That's My Boy (I still love you Andy Samberg!). I think the combination of the team of Vaughn, Stiller, Hill, and newcomer Ayoade just perfects this brotherhood of stealthy vigilantes. With Hill, you have the random and ridiculous comments with a straight and serious face. Stiller brings in his trademark character: quirky, but completely realistic outcast. Vince Vaughn also adds on to this quartet with his trademark blunt comments and total disregard of everyone's opinions. Meanwhile Ayoade, adds flavor to the team with his British accent and awesome 'fro. It was not at all what I had expected -- it was better. It had elements of many different genres all packed into one ninety minute movie: comedy, action, sci-fi, romance, drama, cameos, and product placement. It didn't get too crude either, for the most part, the team kept it pretty clean.

I'm really curious to find out who will win the box office this week. I mean, I'm sure Dark Knight Rises will still top it for another few weeks, but I'm curious to see whether The Watch or Step Up Revolution will conquer...Cheers to another great movie weekend!

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